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A member registered Feb 10, 2019

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Don't sweat the confusing stuff!  It's all part of gamedev, and I hope watching me play through it can help you improve!

Fantastic game!  I played through for a while and recorded it!  Enjoy!

Fantastic demo!  I recorded my playtest for you here:  

Thank you for trying it out!  :)

Thank you!

Artist here.  Thank you for pushing through it and for your feedback!  We do need to put a lot of time into the optimization for this, particularly for the tree packages, which weren't adequately LOD'd and generate a lot of drawcalls.  I wish we had more time so I could really nail the aesthetic down here!  I had a ton of fun generating assets for it and putting them all together.

Thank you!

Artist here.  Thank you for pointing out the MYST inspiration.  We took a lot from that style and tried to push it in our own way.

Artist here.  Thank you for your kind words!  The visuals need a lot more optimization than what we were able to do here, but we're glad you could get it running enough to enjoy it!

Artist here.  Thank you for checking it out!